Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Passing Through Pittsburgh... (part II)

As promised, here are a few more pictures of The Church Brew Works in Pittsburgh. Oh yeah, the beer and food are great too. I tried the Belgian at the brewery and bought a variety case during our travels (I was directed to a beer store from our hotel which was filled with pallets of cases of beer. You could only buy cases...even of Chimay! I guess that's one of the fun parts of States Rights! I'm assuming you could buy 6 packs are "regular" stores in PA). The Pale and India Pale Ales were good; on the malty side which was a nice change for me. I'm used to citrusy hop heavy pales that seem to be all over Michigan. The Dunkel was nice too.

The bright tanks behind the bar are watched over by saints.

A different view.

It's true! There is beer in heaven.From the steps of the Church you can see of the old Pittsburgh Brewing Co., home of Iron City Beer.

The other end of the Pittsburg Brewing Co. complex. It really is a beery block...

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